to The 16 Week Change Pain Academy!
Here Are Your First Steps To Take In Preparation For The Next 16 Weeks
Begin Here
Step 1 - Check Your Inbox
Head over to your inbox as I have sent you something! In your inbox you should find an email with your login details to the course content. If the email hasn't turned up in 5 minutes, check your spam folder . Tip - if you use gmail , drag the email I sent you into your 'primary' tab so you don't miss any important emails.
Got your email? Great, now you can go on to step 2!
Step 2 - Access The Course Dashboard
Now it's time to login and access all the awesome content inside the academy. This is the primary hub for all things related to your course.
Step 3 - Visit Our Cwtch Community & Introduce Yourself
Your access to the course members only community is waiting for you. We affectionately call it Cwtch. Simply click the button below to get set up in the community. When you're there, don't forget to introduce yourself!
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