Podcast - Page 2 of 7 - Pain 2 Possibilities

Grow Your Confidence Despite Pain

Ecology concept. Rising sprout on dry ground.

In today’s episode we are talking about restoring confidence for a life well lived despite the relentless grip of chronic pain.

This pain extends beyond the physical, shaping an enduring emotional battle. It gradually wears away at your self-esteem, causing you to question your value and your capacity to lead a gratifying life.

We’ll explore how restoring your confidence can be one of the keys to unlocking a life of purpose, connection, and joy. We’ll address the common obstacles and challenges faced by those who live with pain, and we’ll challenge the beliefs that hold you back from embracing a life well lived, despite the pain.

Today I am joined by a friend and former colleague, Ann Deluca, author and a Women’s Confidence Coach with a coaching certification through the Co-ActiveTraining Institute (CTI), a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and Certified Resilience Coach with The Leadership Wellness Group.

If you would like more information about what we do at Pain 2 Possibilities and The Change Pain Academy, you can learn more HERE.

If you’d like a copy of our FREE Chronic pain warrior’s guide to better doctor appointments click HERE.

Have your say! Complete our brief (3 min) survey to help me improve our growing podcast! You can do so HERE.

Reframing The Pain Narrative

Pain is a universal human experience, whether it’s physical, emotional, or social. It can be all-encompassing, overwhelming, and at times, seem insurmountable often leading to a narrative of suffering. But what if we could change the narrative on how we perceive pain? Pain Research and countless stories from individuals who have faced extraordinary challenges, battled pain in its many forms, and emerged on the other side is showing us that perspective matters.

In this episode, I’m joined by Fraser Brown, a chronic pain warrior, podcaster, and advocate. Together, we’ll explore Fraser’s journey through pain and how he maintains a resilient and positive outlook as a part of his pain management strategy.

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You can also leave your comments about our podcast HERE. Your anonymous answers will be used to make The Chronic Pain Experience podcast even better!

Dignity In Chronic Pain Care – Valuable Lessons From Palliative

In this episode I sit down with the esteemed Dr. Harvey Chochinov to discuss dignity and person centered care for both end of life and for the lived experience with pain. Join us as we explore the human experience, the importance of perception, purpose, meaning, and hope in maintaining dignity in care.

If you would like to learn more about what we do at The Change Pain Academy you can do so HERE.

If you would like to access the Chronic Pain Warrior’s Guide To Better Doctors Appointments’ Click HERE for your FREE copy.

And finally, have your say! Our podcast is growing and I would love to hear your input! Please complete this short questionnaire by clicking HERE.

Pain And Grief – Warrior Wisdom

Join Anne Schober and myself as we discuss her latest book she co-authored called ‘Invincible – Finding the Light Beyond the Darkness of Chronic Illness.‘ We explore Anne’s experience with pain and living with an invisible illness along with her inspiration in writing the book.

If you are curious to learn more about chronic pain and how to find your way back to living well despite the pain, check out how we can support you at www.pain2possibilities.com

Have your say! To help this podcast grow I would love your feedback inside our short survey here.

Pain And Executive Functioning – How To Get Things Done

A decline in our executive functioning (aka getting stuff done) is a direct result of where and how our pain is processed. In this episode Carrie Bonnett and I explore some of the tips and tools to help you get things done even when your brain and the pain are suggesting otherwise.

Join us as we do a deeper dive into chronic pain science, strategies and skills to help you better manage the pain inside The Change Pain Academy.

A Pain Warriors Perspective on Trauma & Pain

During our annual Willow Tree Summit, our chronic pain warriors sit down with me in ‘Conversations from the couch’ to talk about the information shared inside the summit. Our Summits aim to hear from a variety of experts…those who live with pain and those that serve them.

At The Crossroads Of Grief And Pain

Life with chronic pain often leaves you with a deep sense of grief though the loss of limb or the loss of the life you once had, having to relearn as you navigate the world around you while adapting to the changes you are left to deal with often with little to no guidance.

In this episode we’ll delve into the key components of grief as it relates to the chronic pain experience. Join us as we explore the interconnections and commonalities between the two as we offer insights and tools to inspire those who are doing their very best to navigate the crossroads of chronic pain and grief.

For more information on how we can help you address grief brought about by the loss of life you once knew, click here for more information.

You Are A Symphony

Classical music symphony orchestra string section performing, female violinist playing on foreground, hands close up

When you get a chronic diagnosis, the positive messaging (and the hope) goes out the window and leaves the warrior feeling unsure of what’s to come.

In this episode, I offer a different perspective on your capabilities and how impressive (and complicated) your body and brain truly are.

Improving Pain And Inflammation With An Elimination Diet

In this episode I am joined by board certified Wellness Coach Jessica Hill Powell to discuss elimination diets. In this conversation we unpack how an elimination diet helps to reduce inflammation which in turn helps to improve the amount of pain you feel. You will learn about foods that trigger inflammation, how to eliminate them and the importance of reintroducing them slowly.

If you would like to learn more about Pain 2 Possibilities or all the amazing things we are doing inside The Change Pain Academy, visit us at https://www.pain2possibilities.com/ or https://pain2possibilities.com/change-pain-academy/

If you are curious as to where you are in the readiness to change pain spectrum and for valuable insight, take our chronic pain quiz at https://www.pain2possibilities.com/chronic-pain-quiz/

Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now?

One of the biggest questions we get inside The Change Pain Academy is when my pain gets worse, how do I know if I should go to the Doctor or if I can work through it at home? It can be really difficult differentiating between pain from an acute injury or pain that comes from the chronic state.

In this episode I give a brief explanation of the questions you can ask yourself to help determine if you stay or if you should go…to see the Doctor (thank you to The Clash for these words).
