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The Change Pain Academy

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If you are ready to truly shift your lived experience with pain...

we are ready for you.

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The Change Pain Academy

Chronic Pain can be complicated!
At Pain 2 Possibilities & The Change Pain Academy we have created a transformational membership exclusively for chronic pain warriors to help you bridge the gap between physician care and patient self care.
How do we do this?
We begin with pain education

As the lead researcher in chronic pain states, 'understanding pain changes pain.'

Pain is highly responsive to each person's psychology, past experiences and behaviours. Intuitively our brains are motivated to escape pain but we are not born with the know how to navigate it. We begin with pain education so that you get a deeper understanding of where pain comes from and how it works thereby making you the expert on your pain, making informed decisions about your care.

Then we weave in pain coaching

10 + plus years of research is showing us that there are as many things that amplify pain as there are that reduce pain.

Wellness Coaching is a strength-based approach to pain management that helps move you from a place of being ‘stuck’ in fear, ambivalence or confusion to taking great steps to a stronger, healthier, more pain informed you. Coaching helps you implement new pain management skills learned inside the Academy to help move you from a place of “I want to be doing” or “I should be doing” to “I am doing!".  What exactly does a Pain Coach Do? Watch this video here.

Inside our ever present Cwtch community

A community for warriors by warriors

There is nothing more powerful than being in a space where you feel understood, embraced and with a sense of belonging...especially when dealing with chronic pain. We are a powerful online community of people working through many of the same things as you. Research is showing that safe spaces in which to create meaningful connections are an integral part of recovery...we are truly better together! 

In the Welsh language 'Cwtch' means a cuddle or an embrace with a sense of offering warmth and safety. And when it comes to the science of the brain and chronic pain,  safety is of paramount importance.

Plus our extensive curated library

Everything you want to know about life with chronic pain but don't have the space or time to ask in your Doctors appointment.

There is so much to know about life with chronic pain. You likely have long list of questions that you are curious about and are desperate to ask your Doctor. Unfortunately our Physicians don't have the luxury of time to be able to answer those questions for you. In our curated library you will find information on sleep, nutrition, mindfulness, communication, intimacy, meaningful movement, and the list goes on. Our library continues to grow monthly based on the needs of our community.

Try us out

Curious to know what's inside The Change Pain Academy? Take us for a test drive for one month for just $1!
